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Consider the similarities and differences between electric and gas heaters when changing the heating system. Is one better than the other? It depends on the homeowner's needs and expectations. You will also consider the factors like cold weather where you live and the availability of gas lines in your home. Below is the article; we clear your doubts that do electric heaters last longer than gas heaters.

Differences between Gas Heaters and Electric Heaters

Electric and gas heaters have some differences besides the difference in energy source. One of the main differences is cost, electric heaters cost less than gas heaters, but their monthly expenses are high. On the other hand, gas heaters cost more in installation, but they can save 50% on your energy bills. But electric heaters have a longer life span, and you can expect that they last for 20 to 30 years, while heaters only last for 15 to 20 years. But their longevity depends on how you maintain them and take good care of the heater, no matter what type of good quality you have. If you don't care about or maintain electric or gas heaters, then there is no chance that your heater will last long.

Efficiency and Cost

As you know, gas heaters' installation cost is higher than electric heaters. Energy is transferred from the generator in electric heaters, and efficiency can be down to thirty percent. On the other hand, gas heaters have an efficiency range from 80 to 95%. Also, when you run both heaters simultaneously, electric heaters will produce less heat. So this is an essential consideration if you live in a part of the country where cold months are more prolonged. As early as time passes, you will see that running a gas furnace costs less than running an electric heater. People used gas as the cheapest fuel to warm homes for many years. While electric heaters cost more than 3 to 5 times more than gas heaters, gas heaters warm the house quickly due to their high efficiency.

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Bromic Gas Heater Bromic - Tungsten 300 Gas Heater
Bromic Gas Heater Bromic - Tungsten 300 Gas Heater
Bromic Gas Heater Bromic - Tungsten 300 Gas Heater
Bromic Gas Heater Bromic - Tungsten 300 Gas Heater
Bromic Gas Heater Bromic - Tungsten 300 Gas Heater
Bromic Gas Heater Bromic - Tungsten 300 Gas Heater
Bromic Gas Heater Bromic - Tungsten 300 Gas Heater

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Reliability in the Moving Parts

Electric heaters work simply with a convector, fan, and radiant heating. As you know, electric heaters do not involve combustion, so they work more straightforwardly than gas heaters. Even they are easy to maintain, with fantastic warranty and provide you peace of mind.

Installation and Maintenance

Gas heaters are more complicated and trickier to install than electric furnaces. Heaters that you permanently installed need a system of ducts to transfer heat to all rooms and require vents to throw the hazardous carbon monoxide gas to the outside. They need regular checkups so that there are no clogs or gas leaks. The gas heaters' life span stays half that of the electric heaters. On the other hand, electric heaters do not run on vents due to no occurrence of combustion. Even they do not exchange heat like gas heaters. Electric heaters need little maintenance if any issue is created; homeowners like thermostat resetting or altering filters can solve that. Hence electric heaters last longer than gas heaters as their life span range from 20 to 30 years.

Environmental Impact

We all want to be part of a better environment for future generations. How can we make a difference? By keeping ourselves away from fossil fuels. Gas is the most significant contributor to fossil fuels, so the government has set strict regulations on air pollution, banned gas boilers from early 2025, and poisonous gas emissions. That's why investing in gas appliances is a waste of money, as gas becomes one day obsolete. Electric heaters don't impact the environment because they don't emit any pollution into the air; that's why they are better. But using more electricity will impact the environment, and gas heaters with new gas-fired emit fewer gases into the environment.

Electric Heater Functionality Equates To Durability.

Electric heaters have fantastic programming features and are more flexible than gas heaters. Here are some features you won't look for in gas furnaces.

Easy Installation

Electric heaters are easy to install as you have to push the button, and your heater will be ready to use.

Easy cleaning

Electric heaters are easy to clean, so that you can maintain them for a long time. They are cleaner than gas heaters as they do not emit hydrocarbons.

Adjustable Thermostat

You can set the temperature with an adjustable thermostat according to your preferences.


Electric heaters are safe to use as you can use them overnight than gas heaters.


They are more efficient than gas heaters and 100% energy efficient. Their energy is created into heat, which means none of the energy is lost in the process of creating heat energy. That's why people prefer them due to their high energy efficiency.


Here is another benefit of using electric heaters is that they are portable. Due to its portable system, you can keep your heater with you anywhere you go.

Life Span

On average, electric heaters last for 20 to 30 years; their life span depends on maintenance, frequency of use, quality, and brand.


Some electric heaters have unique features, like if your room gets too hot, it automatically lowers the temperature.

Frost Protection

When your room temperature falls below 5°, it is automatically on the heater.

Remote Control

Many electric heaters come with a remote control model, so you can easily control the temperature anywhere in the house.

Smart Heaters

With the novel technology, you can control or maintain the temperature from a smartphone after having a wifi connection.

Electric Heater Cons

Electric heaters create a problem if you live in colder areas, and your heater will take time to produce heat. Electric heaters are costly but last longer for years.

 Gas Heaters Pros

Gas heaters convert all their energy to produce heat. They produce heat in no time. They are cost-effective.

Gas Heaters Cons

Produce Gases

People don't prefer gas heaters as they have short durability and produce poisonous gases that harm health.

Shorter Life Span

Their life span varies from a few to several years, so people prefer electric heaters, which last longer.

Gas Heaters Efficiency

Gas heaters are less energy efficient than electric heaters. Gas systems are naturally ineffective, as not all energy is converted to heat. Some will be lost in the making of light, exhaust fumes, and moisture. Indeed, while we've always thought electricity is more expensive than gas, the costs are surprising regarding heaters. Some gas heaters have a running cost of 50p / hour.

Use propane

Gas heaters require propane gas which cost expensive.

Difficult Installation

Gas heaters are harder to install as they require proper technicians, while electric heaters are installed yourself easily.

Require Maintenance

Gas furnaces require year essential maintenance that is also done by service technicians, while homeowners can maintain electric heaters.


So as you see, how long heaters last is not a point; the main thing is how much it produces heat. It's about your future concerns, like maintenance, cleaning, efficiency, and installation cost. We discussed in the above article that electric heaters last longer than gas heaters as they have some innovative features you won't find in gas furnaces. And electric heaters last longer than 20 to 30 years, while gas heaters last for 10 to 15 years. This article helps you to know that electric heaters are better than gas heaters.